
I am a 2nd-year master's student in the Economics department at NTU, and I am devoted to research on Social Networks and Large Language Models (LLMs). Regarding Social Networks, I am interested in how interpersonal relationships are constructed, the factors related to them, and how these factors further affect their dynamics. Additionally, I am working on introducing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to solve the network endogeneity problem. The topic of my master's paper is inspecting the dynamics of relationship networks constructed from annual call detail records (CDRs) involving more than 300 thousand people, with each month averaging over 1 billion CDRs. Regarding LLMs, I am fascinated by the advancements in LLMs and how they can facilitate various NLP tasks. I am currently working on utilizing LLMs to automatically build textual economic indexes, such as the well-known Economic Policy Uncertainty Index.

Software Development

  • With the experience of leveraging the LangChain Python API, I am developing my own minimal package, llm-research, to create an easy-to-use and high-level API to interact with LLMs.


2024-06-23: publish the first blot post: 🗒️